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Watch Knockin On Heavens Door Online Facebook MessengerWatch Knockin On Heavens Door Online Facebook GamesWatch Knockin On Heavens Door Online Facebook HackIs the USA the Babylon of Revelation 1. Is the USA the Babylon of Revelation 1. Revelation 1. 8 talks of a country the Bible calls Babylon that is destroyed by fire in one hour and plagued with death, mourning and famine. Revelation 1. 8 8. Could this Babylon be the USAWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Is the USA the Babylon of Revelation 18, marked for destruction Revelation 18 talks of a country the Bible calls Babylon that is destroyed by fire in. Does it fit Revelation 1. Babylon mentioned As always on this site, if you hover over Scripture verses they will POP UP. It is a literal place, with lots of wealth and products to sell. Rev. 1. 8 1. 2 1. It is a wealthy country that even sells its money gold silver. Rev. 1. 8 1. 1 1. It is a country that deceives all other countries. Rev. 1. 8 2. 34. It spreads its sexual immorality to other countries. TgNObAHRCMI/0.jpg' alt='Watch Knockin On Heavens Door Online Facebook Chat' title='Watch Knockin On Heavens Door Online Facebook Chat' />Rev. It lives in luxury. Rev. 1. 8 7. 6. It helps others get rich. Rev. 1. 8 1. 9, Rev. It is married to another country. Rev. 1. 8 7. 8. It is suddenly and utterly destroyed by fire. Rev. 1. 8 8, Rev. Rev. 1. 8 1. 7 1. It is responsible for many deaths. Rev. 1. 8 2. 4Does the USA fitLets go down the list one at a time. It is a literal place with lots of wealth and products to sell. Rev. 1. 8 1. 2 1. Unlike the desert city of Babylon, Iraq, map which hasnt sold much of anything, the USA has been a major producer. Until recently, its products were sold all over the world. It is a wealthy country that even sells its money. Rev. 1. 8 1. 1 1. Rev. 1. 8 3. The USAs paper Dollar has been the worlds currency since the end of World War 2. Global trade is mostly done in dollars. Until recently, countries have bought lots of dollars. China owns about a trillion of them. LINK That is changing. Satans new gold backed currency is fast approaching. It is a country that deceives all other countries. Rev. 1. 8 2. 3Most in the USA think of ourselves as the good guys. After all, the USA is for Liberty and Justice for all, rightMaybe not. Lets review USA history 1. The early American Indians received little liberty and justice. LINK2. So did lots of folks with dark skin. LINK3. The Southerners learned of USA liberty when they chose to constitutionally withdraw from the Union because of unfair taxation. LINK The Civil War wasnt mainly about slavery. LINK4. In the early 1. Germany was becoming a world power to rival Great Britain and the USA. Two great wars beat them back down. LINK5. The Korean War was all about global United Nations dominance. LINK6. So was the Vietnam disaster. LINK7. Iraq, Afghanistan, perhaps soon Pakistan and all of these Middle East uprisings are about money and control by the global banking elite. LINKIt spreads its sexual immorality to other countries. Rev. 1. 8 3. Rather obvious. One word Hollywood. It lives in luxury. Rev. 1. 8 7. The USA has been a very wealthy country indeedIt is now experiencing increasing poverty as criminal bankers foreclose on the planet. For a heartbreaking example here is a link to a 6. Minutes piece about banker foreclosure fraud. LINKIt helps others get rich. Rev. 1. 8 1. 9, Rev. Examples of this abound. One of the most obvious is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. King Abdullahs oil fields were not developed by the Bedouin, but by Rockefellers Exxon Mobile and Rothschilds Royal Dutch Shell. It is a country that is tied to another country. Rev. 1. 8 7 The USA is tied to England. Just follow the money 1. The worlds dollar monetary system is controlled by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. LINK2. The Federal Reserve is privately owned by global bankers with names like Rothschild, and others. LINK3. Rothschild also controls the Bank of England. LINKBank of International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc. Ergo, the USA is, economically speaking, Englands Queen and not a widow. Rev. 1. 8 7. It is suddenly and utterly destroyed by fire. Rev. 1. 8 8, Rev. Rev. 1. 8 1. 7 1. Obviously this has not happened yet. How could it One possible answer Yellowstone. It is one of the worlds greatest calderas a cauldron into the belly of the earth that is capable of producing a monster volcano. LINKIt could cause the whole of North America to be covered by a devastating cloud of ash. Its been discovered that earthquakes, 2. North West coast, are linked to geyser increases in Yellowstone LINKIt is a country responsible for many deaths. Rev. 1. 8 2. 4This subject is horrible to contemplate. Examples Hiroshima LINK, Agent Orange LINK. Wars cost in misery and death is incalculable. True statement Wars are deliberately planned by Satan and his global rulers for profit and control, always leading us closer to his coming world government. Example A Here is the real reason why The USA is currently leading the charge in the Middle East. LINKExample B The USA government finally admitted the Vietnam War began with a lie. Vid LINKExample C Here is obvious evidence that the endless, so called War on Terror sadly began by using professional demolition experts on 9. LINKHundreds of thousands of folks have been hurt or killed ever since. Watch I Come With The Rain Online Mic. Other countries are forced to get into debt and trade in USA paper dollars or elseIf you dont want to participate in the dollar denominated banking system you can find yourself at the wrong end of a very big gun. Video LINK Economic Hit Man. The USA has lots of guns. The USA Military is currently stationed in 1. LINK LINKThe Rocktagon concludes that the USA is the Babylon of Revelation 1. What do you think And when do you think it may happen Please participate in the poll. Lets see what we all think. In any event, as our Lord taught, we always ought to always be ready Matthew 2. This world is only temporary. Matthew 2. 4 3. 5The whole earth will be destroyed by fire one day. Peter 3 7. AND, FOR SOME REALLY GOOD NEWS Those who love Jesus Christ will be with Him forever in the New Heavens and on a New Earth. Peter 3 1. 3For some much needed joy, as well as some perspective, hover over these verses Jn. Thess. 4 1. 7, 2 Cor. Phil. 1 2. 3I like to say that I cant wait until I get my eternal upgradeOne Blog Blog Archive 1. Of The Most Amazing Funeral Songs Of All Time. Whats a great funeral service without music that celebrates the life of a loved one perfectly We asked funeral directors across the country what their favorite funeral songs are, and the votes are in. Say goodbye to the typical bag pipes youd hear at a funeral, because these 1. Funeral songs that will help you reflectFirst, lets start things off with songs youd typically hear at a funeral. These songs are a nice mix of beautiful odes to someones life and ones that inspire you to just get all of the tears out of the way. Either way, we love them all 1. Satisfied Mind Jeff Buckley. This song is easily the most beautiful song I have ever heard. I dare you to listen to this rendition and not cry. Seriously, it takes my breath away every time I hear it. Not only does it help you reflect the life lived, but it also inspires you to live a life based on love and compassion, not material things Money cant buy back all your youth when youre old, a friend when youre lonely, or peace to your soul. Blowers Daughter Damien Rice. Although the lyrics cut me deep, theres something about this song thats quite romantic. Its one of those songs I could imagine playing at a funeral where someones life and love were cut short. Sad, yet beautiful. You Can Close Your Eyes James Taylor James Taylor can sing this song at my funeral any day. Its a mix of everything youd ever want from a funeral song soft, acoustic, uplifting and thoughtful. Its sad, but not sad enough to make you want to curl up in a ball and cry. Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton. The first funeral I ever attended was for my grandfather, and my mom requested that they play this song in honor of him. Ill never forget the feeling I felt when I first heard it. This will always be one of my top picks. Feels Like Home Chantal Kreviazuk Theres a scene in the movie My Sisters Keeper where this song plays and I absolutely lost it the first time I heard it. Truly a classic. 6. Asleep The Smiths. The Smiths are arguably one of the most talented bands of all time. This song is a little dark, but the lullaby like melody make it a beautiful song to play at a funeral. Its comforting lyrics sing Dont feel bad for me, I want you to know, deep in the cell of my heart, I really want to go. There is another world, there is a better world. Funeral songs that will make you laughNow that weve got the sad stuff out of the way, lets pick up the pace and look at some songs that truly define celebration of life. These songs are perfect for those who want anything but a traditional funeral, and certainly for people with a great sense of humor. Lets check them out 7. Keg On My Coffin The Push Stars. Despite its title, this song is oddly soft, sweet and soothing and also my top light hearted choice for a funeral song Drink up life like a river till the pizza man deliversAnd smile and know I loved you til the end. Dropkick Me Jesus Bobby Bare. This song truly speaks for itself. A true classic. Ant the only way you can appreciate it is if you listen to the lyrics, so here you go Dropkick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life. Bring on the brothers whove gone on before. And all of the sisters whove knocked on your door. All the departed, dear, loved ones of mine. Stick em up front in the offensive line. Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die Willie Nelson. Because everyone needs a little sense of humor from time to time1. Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox If I Die Joe Diffie. This is one of those songs that is guaranteed to get everyone talking about the good times at a funeral. Its uplifting, comforting and ya cant beat Joe Diffies voice. My favorite part of the song Fix me up with a mannequin, just remember, I like blondes Ill be the life of the party, even when Im dead and gone. Ring of Fire Johnny Cash. A funeral director once told me this is one of his most popular off beat requests for songs to play at a funeral. Something about this song makes me want to dance, and why not dance while celebrating someone who has a sense of humor Funeral songs that are somewhere in betweenThese songs are somewhere in between sad and happy, yet theyre all quite uplifting. Theyre perfect for outdoor funeral services, and are guaranteed to make you feel a sense of happiness near the end. Give them a listen 1. Come Away With Me Norah Jones. Im pretty sure this song is playing on repeat somewhere up there in heaven. Spirit In The Sky Norman Greenbaum. Not only is this song a crowd pleaser, but the lyrics are perfect for an uplifting celebration of life When I die and they lay me to rest Gonna go to the place thats the best When I lay me down to die Goin up to the spirit in the sky. Elephant Gun Beirut. The lyrics have nothing to do with death at all, but theres something about this song that reminds me of a New Orleans jazz funeral procession, and I quite enjoy it. Give it a listen. Hallelujah Jeff Buckley. Jeff Buckley makes it on this list again with his rendition of Hallelujah. A funeral service isnt complete without this song, plus the words practically ooze out of his mouth. Simply amazing. 1. Somewhere Over the Rainbow Israel KamakawiwoOle. Ahhhh, this song. The ukeleighleigh, his comforting voice, the beautiful lyrics. I can just imagine the doves being released to this song on the day I leave this world. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. P. S. Did you know Life Tributes tribute video software has the largest library of funeral music with more than 1,0. You can also import any track thats meaningful to your families into your tribute videos. How awesome is thatTo learn more about how you can get a 3. FREE trial of Life Tributes Personalization Software, click here or call 8.

This entry was posted on 8/31/2017.