Season 3 Episode 15 Gilmore Girls

Check out our recap of Episode 1 here, Episode 2 here and Episode 3 here.)The Netflix continuation spends much of its fourth installment making repairs to, and ultimately strengthening Lorelai’s relationship with Luke — which is cause for celebration from this fan, who started holding men to a different standard way back when she first watched Luke pull a ratty horoscope out of his wallet. So seeing Luke and Lorelai tie the knot in a fairytale version of the already too- quaint- for- words town square feels like a perfect ending for the series. RELATEDGilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Poll: What Did You Think of the Last Four Words? But what about those heralded final four words?

Well, they’re “Mom?” and “Yeah?” and “I’m pregnant,” and they most likely mean that Rory is at this very moment has a Huntzberger heir setting up house in her uterus. With his French fianc. So it’s thematically perfect. WHATEVER. At least I have that lingering look of yearning on Jess’ face. That gives me hope.

And the ending to this episode? That just cries out for a little more Gilmore, don’t you think? While you start your online petition for at least two more episodes, let’s review the major developments of “Fall.”VIDEOSGilmore Girls. After a few very strange occurrences at work (Petal the pig runs by wearing a sign saying “Kick up a rumpus,” the computer screen showing a message that says “Get Ready”), Rory finds herself one night standing across the street from three men wearing gorilla masks and steampunk- ish hats and coats. Oh, and look — Logan is there, too. The guys are in town to show her a fun time, which they do.

The evening includes an outdoor screening of Kirk’s indie film, a visit to a tango club (which Robert buys and immediately turns into a Rosemary Clooney tribute joint), and a road trip to New Hampshire where they crash at a bed and breakfast where they’ve booked every single room. She takes that key. Later, when he offers her another key that’ll unlock her own room at the B& B, she declines, kisses him, and runs upstairs with him. But the morning shows us a very different Rory, who thanks him for “the perfect night” but hands back the key to the place in Maine. I know where I’m going to write,” she says, crying but resolute. And when she goes downstairs, she says farewell to the other three guys. Because stuff like throwing cash on the ground of Doose’s market and sighing “I love money” may be roguish and forgivable at 2.

Logan reminds her that she can always call him if she needs help. Jess makes him sit down and talk about it. As Luke lays out everything that led up to Lorelai’s decision to hike her feelings, Jess’ face gets grim: “It sounds like she’s leaving you,” he says when pressed to weigh in, and that’s exactly what Luke fears. On the other side of the country, Lorelai fears that she won’t be able to fit everything she needs for the hike in her mammoth backpack. But it doesn’t matter the first day: She and the rest of the Wild- inspired wilderness women (book and movie) can’t hit the trail because the weather is going to be bad, says the park ranger played by Parenthood.

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Season 3 Episode 15 Gilmore Girls

But another park ranger, this one played by Parenthood. And because she can’t find it!

Bummed, she goes to get coffee but finds the shop closed. So she takes a brief walk behind the building and runs smack into a gorgeous, green vista of mountains and trees and such. She has an epiphany. She pulls out her phone. Lorelai calls Emily, which allows Lauren Graham to give an incredible reading of a monologue about how Richard made her feel better after she got publicly dumped on her 1.

Trivia quiz questions on the tv show, Gilmore Girls.

It’s the story she should’ve told after the funeral, and she knows it; Lorelai is crying throughout, and Emily just listens. It’s a perfect cap to a damn near perfect scene. VIDEOSGilmore Girls. As usual, she takes way too long to get to her point, and Luke cuts her off so he can make an impassioned plea for her not to give up on the two of them.

I am not unsatisfied,” he says emphatically. You just can’t leave!”Finally, she gets a word in: “Luke! I think we should get married.”Maybe it’s just my fuzzy memory, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen Luke look as happy as we do when he runs to get Lorelai’s old engagement ring. That he knows exactly where it is makes me happy. I kvell. VIDEOSGilmore Girls. She asks her mom to read it; if Lorelai hates it, Rory will abandon the project.

Lorelai reluctantly agrees. They make up and eat lots of food. Rory also visits her dad, and it’s totally weird and awkward as she asks him, “How did you feel about mom raising me alone?” He makes a big show about what a force of nature Lorelai is and was, and how could he possibly go against her? But Rory refuses to let him off the hook. Christopher tells her he thinks everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to, but it does not comfort her. Before the final four words, I thought this scene was very odd and kinda superfluous.

But now it seems rather clear that Rory knows she’s pregnant at this point and she’s figuring out what to do, no? VIDEOSDavid Sutcliffe Debunks Gilmore Revival . First, she quits the Daughters of the American Revolution in spectacular fashion, declaring the entire thing “bulls—t” several times and drops the word “t- ts” casually into conversation before walking out of a meeting while munching on a cookie.

I HAVE NEVER LOVED HER MORE. Then, she decides that she’s going to sell the mansion and move to Nantucket. She’s already bought a house called The Sandcastle. Corpse Party Episode 5. When Lorelai questions the twee name during a visit to Hartford, Emily deadpans, “Well, the previous owners called it The Clam Shack. I guess Vagina House was taken.” Guys!

This is amazing. Emily doesn’t need convincing. But Lorelai wants to use the money from the trust for Luke’s franchise, because he has zero interest in expanding his business that way. Emily agrees, with a condition: The soon- to- be- weds will spend two weeks with her each summer and one week at Christmas every year.

Lorelai’s eyes shine as she says yes. Aww. VIDEOSGilmore Girls Revival: Team Palladino on Melissa Mc.

Carthy’s 1. 1th Hour Return as Sookie: ! First, Rory runs into Dean at Doose’s.

He’s home visiting his folks; from their chat, we can tell he’s married and living in Scranton, Pa., with three kids and a fourth on the way. She asks if she can put him in her book, but he’s hesitant until she says some really nice things about him, including “You taught me what safe feels like.” They part, and it’s warm.

And if you ever want to re- live that scene, you can probably find it in the dictionary under “bittersweet.”Over at the Dragonfly, Lorelai walks into the kitchen and immediately knows Sookie is there. The inn’s co- owner has baked exactly 4 million wedding cakes for her pal, and they reminisce a bit. Regardless, the two of them are good. But they’re so jittery the night before, they decide to jumpstart the festivities and get secretly married right away, before all the guests arrive the next day.

So sue me.) Luke and Lorelai are married in the gazebo by Rev. Skinner, with Lane and Michel as witnesses, and it’s perfect. Hours later, as the sun is coming up, Lorelai and Rory sip Champagne on the steps of the gazebo. Paul finally breaks up with Rory via text. It needs to fit, believe me.”And then Rory drops the preggo- bomb, which leaves Lorelai aghast as the screen cuts to the credits.

Now it’s your turn. Grade both “Fall” and the revival on the whole via the polls below, then hit the comments with all of your thoughts, feelings, reactions and such.

Can you even believe it’s over already?!

This entry was posted on 10/12/2017.