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Biblical Archeology: Sodom and Gomorrah. The Torah tells us the story of the rise and downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah. To the non- believer, the Biblical story seems so incredible that it must be relegated to the realm of myth and fantasy. The 2. 0th- century German Bible critic, Theodor Noldeke asserted that "The whole story of Sodom and Gomorrah is unhistorical and comparatively late in origin." J.

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Artwork page for ‘The Field of Waterloo’, Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1818 on display at Tate Britain. The Battle of Waterloo (1815) saw Britain and.

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Maxwell Miller of Emory University boldly claims, "These narratives of Sodom and Gomorrah are purely products of the storyteller's art, which of course raises serious questions about their usefulness for historical reconstruction." John H. Hayes, a colleague of the aforementioned J. Maxwell Miller, confirms Professor Miller's belief. Are the assertions of these skeptics based on facts or are they merely the distorted opinions of non- believers? Let us examine the facts of the case and see for ourselves. There are two places in the desert area near the Dead Sea that could not be more radically different from each other.

One area is a dry, harsh wilderness. All that is found there are craggy hills, land strewn with crumbled rock, coarse sand, and intense heat: daytime temperatures rise to 1. Fahrenheit. Rivers are few and meager.

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The waters of the nearby great lake are not potable: No fish live in its inhospitable waters. There are no trees to offer shade. Wayfarers are few. Snakes and scorpions are the only creatures that find comfort in this forsaken place.

Desolation echoes forth from the dry river beds. The second area is a great and thriving metropolis. Grain grows in abundance and precious raw materials are easily accessed. Its lush tree- shaded groves graciously bestow their blessings of fine fruits. The green canopy of its orchards stretch as far as the eye can see.

There are no predatory animals to threaten passersby. The great metropolis and its citizenry are self sufficient; every need can be met locally. A veritable Garden of Eden, it is described in the Torah when Abraham and Lot decide to part ways: And Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw the valley of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the Garden of the Lord (Genesis 1. In fact, as incredible as it may seem, the two places are one and the same. We call the area Sodom- Gomorrah. The very names of these two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, are associated with sin and debauchery.

Sodom has become a synonym for perversion. The first description of the desolate territory is the area once inhabited by the wealthy, aristocratic Sodomites as it appears today. The second description is the way it appeared earlier, at its Patriarchal Era zenith as depicted in the Talmud and the Midrash (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 1. Midrash Rabah Leviticus 5: 2, Midrash Rabah Numbers 9: 2.

Sodom and Gomorrah were part of a metropolis assumed to have been located on the eastern bank of the Dead Sea consisting of five cities, each with its own king. There was (1) Bera, king of Sodom, (2) Birsha, king of Gomorrah, (3) Shinab, king of Admad, (4) Shember, king of Zeboiim, and (5) the king of Bela, which is also called Zoar (Genesis 1. This thriving group of city- states is referred to in the Bible (Genesis 1.

Cities of the Plain. The five kings were under the dominion of a coalition of eastern Mesopotamian overlords.

According to the Torah, with the help of the patriarch Abraham, the cities gained their independence, though their independence was only short- lived. A few years later, God destroyed the cities in a hail of fire and brimstone. In the early part of the 2. Biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah was doubted by many academicians.

Not merely the part of the story of the supernatural destruction, but also any possible rule over the area by the Mesopotamians to the east. There was no route connecting the Dead Sea area with Mesopotamia. How could the Mesopotamians have possibly conquered the area?

These factors caused even those normally sympathetic to the Biblical narrative, such as William Foxwell Albright, to doubt the story. Watch The Wendell Baker Story Online Hulu. In the early 1. 92.

Dr. Nelson Glueck discovered evidence of an ancient route between Mesopotamia and the Dead Sea area. However, in the early 1. Dr. Nelson Glueck discovered evidence of an ancient route between Mesopotamia and the Dead Sea area. Traces of the actual route, which had been covered by the desert storms, were uncovered.

Mention of the route was subsequently found in cuneiform tablets in Mari and in Ebla. By 1. 92. 4, the previously doubtful Albright became convinced of the possibility of some ancient inhabited area near the barren eastern bank of the Dead Sea. His expedition had found some meager remains of an early Bronze Age structure assumed to have been a fortress or temple. It was located on a mound, known as Bab edh- Dhra, overlooking the desert floor some 5.

Albright assumed that the structure was in some way to be identified with the Sodom- Gomorrah story, but was uncertain what that connection might be. The Five Cities of the Plain. No serious excavations were undertaken in the area until about 4. In the 1. 96. 0s, a large cemetery was discovered near Bab edh- Dhra. Archeologist Paul Lapp spent three seasons excavating the area where he unearthed a great number of shaft- tombs - - possibly as many as 2. A shaft- tomb is a vertical hole, about 3 feet in diameter, dug into the rocky ground to a depth of approximately 6 feet.) At the bottom of each shaft were 1- 5 horizontal shallow shafts, each containing between 1- 6 bodies.

In addition, there were a number of mud- brick buildings, charnel houses that are repositories for bones or bodies of the dead. Each charnel house contained the remains of several hundred people. Current estimates of the number of bodies occupying that cemetery is about a half million! Pottery shards found with the skeletal remains indicate that approximately 3,0. Other funerary items include clay figurines of goddesses, wooden staffs, sandals and reed baskets, some still containing food remains.

The great number of corpses in a single burial ground is evidence of a major population. But this is only the beginning. Significantly, some forms of the pottery, jewelry, and cylinder seal impressions show a distinct Mesopotamian influence.

This bolsters the Biblical connection between the Dead Sea area and Mesopotamia. A rather obscure branch of archaeology is known as paleoethnobotany. This study examines traces of food items used by ancient cultures in order to get a perspective of the culture's agriculture and diet. Paleoenthnobotanists found in Bab edh- Dhra traces of wheat, barley, dates, plums, peaches, grapes, figs, pistachio nuts, almonds, olives, pine nuts, lentils, chick peas, pumpkin, flax seed, and watermelon. It was a gourmand's delight. The healthy diet manifested itself in the physique of the inhabitants: skeletal remains indicate that a height of 5'9"- 6'4" was quite normal.

This is a rather tall figure for such an ancient culture. Only these five cities have been found. Between 1. 97. 3 and 1. Bab edh- Dhra were found.

Their Arabic names are Numeira, Safi, Feifa, and Khanazir. The surrounding area has been thoroughly explored and no other cities have been found, only these five. The five cities, a few miles apart from each other, are almost in a straight line going from north to south. Numeira was excavated for two seasons and the foundations of a few homes were uncovered. Perhaps the most interesting find was the remains of a winery with 4. In latter years Moses referred to the vineyards of Sodom,For their vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter.

Deut. 3. 2: 3. 2) The other three "cities" of the area have yet to be excavated. Surrounding the archeological ruins of Safi is an Early Bronze cemetery which rivals the size of Bab edh- Dhra. About nine miles south of Safi is the next of the five cities, Feifa. A cemetery has been found there too.

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This entry was posted on 11/4/2017.