My Little Pony Daring Do Episode

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Western Animation. I encourage skeptics like this to watch My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic with an open mind. If Im doing my job right, I think youll be surprised. After saving the world with the magic of friendship, the show takes on an episodic adventure of the week format, where Twilight relays weekly reports to her mentor on how friendship helps her and her friends. The first season was helmed by Lauren Faust, a highly accomplished, Emmy Award nominated animator for example, she was the writer and director of The Powerpuff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. Friendship is Magic is her attempt to rescue the genre of girls cartoons by presenting a clever show with a strong and diverse cast of female characters who arent preoccupied with fashion and boys. Her goal was to create an intelligent show for girls that boys and grown ups could also watch without wanting to shoot themselves. As the substantial Periphery Demographic can attest, she seems to have succeeded. Princess Celestia is a recurring character in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is tasked with raising the Sun. She also banished her siter, princess. An index page listing My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic content. Note Episodes are listed in production ordernote the order used by Hasbros website. Daring Do, or Daring Do Dazzle, also known as A. K. Yearling, is a female Pegasus pony, the. CQ81PV76ieg/hqdefault.jpg' alt='My Little Pony Daring Do Episode' title='My Little Pony Daring Do Episode' />Following the end of the first season, Faust stepped down as the shows executive producer, but she continued to work with the show as a consulting producer through production of the second season. Not to be confused with My Little Pony Friendship Gardens, a Gen 2 PC Game. However, there is a video game based on the series. Additional pages This series provides examples of these tropes for more, please also visit the episode and character guides. My Little Pony Character Fandom. This is an introductory entry to the character fandom related to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Overview. The fan community around the animated TV show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic has been prolific in raising the profile of side characters and nameless background ponies seen throughout the series. These ponies have been given names, personalities, and back stories that are largely based on which other ponies they are usually seen with, what they are often seen doing, and what their cutie mark looks like. In the show, background ponies are treated interchangeably, with their purpose being simply to make the setting seem more populated. The scenes are usually composed without them, and they are only later added during the layout phase. Thus, all names and personalities are purely the creation of the fan community. Celestia. Princess Celestia is a recurring character in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is tasked with raising the Sun. She also banished her siter, princess Luna, to the moon for 1. Throughout the series, there are times when Celestia speaks and behaves somewhat less formally than would be expected of a princess or an absolute monarch. Due to her character attributes, Celestia is often depicted in fan fiction and artworks as a troll or a tyrant fooling around with other ponies and banishing whoever she wants to the moon. She was nicknamed Trollestia Tyrant Celestia. Nightmare Moon Luna. Princess Luna formerly Nightmare Moon is the younger sister of Princess Celestia and the antagonist in the first two episodes of the series. Watch Fifty Shades Darker Online Hitfix'>Watch Fifty Shades Darker Online Hitfix. She is transformed back to her former self by the Elements of Harmony and returns to her duty of raising the moon and stars over Equestria every night. As Nightmare Moon, she was vengeful, condescending, jealous, and angry because of this, fan art of Nightmare Moon usually characterizes her as a villain. As Luna, she seems much more soft spoken and gentle, and full of regret over her actions. Little is known about her personality in this form. Luna is one of the lesser known characters in the My Little Pony fanart community. The creator of the show Lauren Faust has stated that Luna is not yet fully grown, and that there was some evil magic which transformed her into Nightmare Moon. When Luna is fully grown, she will not look like Nightmare Moon. Luna returns in Season 2 in the episode Luna Eclipsed with a new design she has now a Celestia like mane. In this Halloween episode, she realizes she is always feared as the Nightmare Moon, and becomes really sad, until at the end where the fillies want to be scared just for fun. Because she was banned for a thousand years, Luna has an antiquated manner of speech, and shouts all the time. Steven Magnet. Steven Magnet is a dragon that was introduced in Season 1 Episode 2 Friendship is Magic Part 2. He is seen in a scene where the mane 6 are trying to get across a river that is raging, and Steven Magnet is the cause for the commotion. He is thrashing around because Nightmare Moon cut off his mustache, so Rarity cuts off her tail and give it to him as the 2nd half of his mustache. Zecora. Zecora is a zebra character living in a hut in the the Everfree Forest. Initially feared by all of Ponyville, she later became a respected visitor. Watch This Is Where I Leave You Online Iflix. However, she prefers staying in the Everfree Forest, a mysterious place outside Ponyville where strange creatures live. Within the fan community, Zecora is known for speaking in verse though the reason behind it is unclear. She is also known to speak in a foreign language on occasions. Zecoras special talent is preparing natural cures and remedies from herbs and plants. She also seems to have a mystical sixth sense about plants and has an incredible sense of balance. Big Macintosh is a member of the Apple family and Applejacks older brother. The character is shown to have a rather calm and easy going demeanor. Its common for fans to shorten his name to Big Mac. He is mostly known through his popular phrase Eeyup. Granny Smith. Granny Smith is an elderly Earth pony, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintoshs grandmother, and a recurring character in the series. Her cutie mark is an apple pie, much like the rest of the Apple Familys cutie marks. Trixie. Trixie often introducing and referring to herself as The Great and Powerful Trixie is a Unicorn pony and traveling magician who appeared so far only in Boast Busters. She visited Ponyville with her show, in which she greatly exaggerates her abilities and shows off. In fan art, she is often displayed as a show off who constantly speaks in an overdramatic manner and extremely confident in herself. She is the best pony. Mayor Mare. The Mayor of Ponyville. She is seen giving short speeches, welcoming Princess Celestia in the Summer Sun festival, honoring Applejack in Applebuck Season and rousing up spirits in Winter Wrap Up. She becomes stressed when things dont go according to schedule in Winter Wrap Up. She is only referred to as Mayor, though some fans refer to her as Mayor Mare. Watch Fathers` Day Online Hitfix. Cheerilee. Cheerilee is a schoolteacher in Ponyville. While she is mostly seen as a background pony, she has more significant appearances in Call of the Cutie and The Show Stoppers. Cheerilee is alternately portrayed, particularly in fanarts, as a 1. Call of the Cutie. Spitfire. Spitfire is one of the female members of The Wonderbolts and currently the team leader as a whole. She first appeared in Sonic Rainboom and her name was learned in The Best Night Ever. Shes the Wonderbolt member with more fanart, fanfics and her fanwork is usually related to Rainbow Dash as one of the most common shippings of the fandom. SoarinSoarin always spelled with the apostrophe is the only other named member of The Wonderbolts along with Spitfire. His only speaking appearance so far was in The Best Night Ever where he was a guest and performer at the Gala. During the episode, Soarin eagerly purchases and devours one of Applejacks pies. The fandom has thus made pies, especially apple pies, his main fixation occasionally to the point of shipping. The source of Soarins unusual name was revealed on August 2. Amy Rogers posted a comment on the web site We. Love. Fine, which had bees selling a Soarin tee shirt. According to Rogers, Soarin was named after her son Soren. The post was quickly picked up by Equestria Daily, which reported it in a news post. Gilda. Gilda is a griffon who appeared only in episode 5 Griffon the Brush Off. She was presented as an old friend of Rainbow Dash from the Junior Speedsters Flight Team, when she came to Ponyville to visit her. Gildas personality is strong and tomboyish, shes also very jealous, this made the fandom think as her as a former Rainbow Dash girlfriend, shipping them in lots of fanworks. Since the episode premiere, she has developed both, fandom and hatedom. Some like to claim she was a misunderstood or tragic character for losing what they say was her only friend, while others just like to have her torment other characters in fanworks. In fanworks she often refers to others by calling them Dweebs. Hoity Toity. Hoity Toity is a fancy Earth pony and a major representative of the fashion world from Canterlot. Hoity Toity first appears in the episode Suited For Success, having arrived in Ponyville to see Raritys fashion show. Having seen her perfect dresses, which are much revised versions of Raritys original designs, he gives a very critical review, calling the dresses a piled on mish mash of everything but the kitchen sink. Diamond Dogs. The Diamond Dogs appear in the episode A Dog and Pony Show. They kidnap Rarity, and force her to find gems for them after they see her using her gem finding spell. Photo Finish. Photo Finish is a fashion photographer, appearing in Episode 2. Green Isnt Your Color. In the episode, she attempts to turn Fluttershy into a fashion icon, much to Raritys envy.

This entry was posted on 8/12/2017.