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Bicycle Quotes. The oldest and best collection of famous, inspirational bicycle quotes on the web. Riding a bicycle is one of the great metaphors for how to live life, thus these timeless, wonderful quotable quotes. Please submit your favorite inspirational bike quote. We’ll post it here. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein. I thought of that while riding my bicycle.~ Albert Einstein. My two personal favorites. More about these famous quotes which our website helped make famous.

Back in 1. 99. 9 hardly anyone had heard of these quotes. Now “Life is like riding a bicycle” is probably the most famous bicycle quote of all time. Also, see how this quote has been shortened, or paraphrased, over time. Bicycle Quotation QUIZ Riding a bicycle is one of the greatest metaphors for living life.

That’s why I’ve given a new spin to some famous quotes by changing a few words. Can you guess the original quote and author? I never met a bicycle I didn’t like.~ Answer. To bike, or not to bike: that is NOTa question. Answer. Bicycles are a girl’s best friend. Answer. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him a bicycle.

Answer. More quiz questions. New favorite bicycle quotes: Good thing riding a bicycle is as easy as riding a bicycle.~ Becca Droz.

Marriage is a wonderful invention; but then again, so is a bicycle repair kit.~ Billy Connolly. Over- exertion, the upright position on the wheel, and the unconscious effort to maintain one’s balance tend to produce a wearied and exhausted “bicycle face.”~ The Literary Digest. One of the most important days of my life was when I learned to ride a bicycle.~ Michael Palin. Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel.

But ride.~ Eddy Merckx. Dear God, O. k. I kept my half of the deal. Where’s the bike?~ Bert, I had a substitute teacher from Ireland in the second grade that told my class during morning prayer that when she wants something — anything at all — she prays for it and promises something for it in return — and she always gets what she wants. Yeah. I’m sitting at the back of the classroom thinking: “Wow. My family can’t afford a bike.” So I went home and prayed for one, and I promised I would recite the rosary every night in exchange.

Broke it. Broke that promise. Watch David And Goliath Online Freeform. But two weeks later, I got home from school to find a brand new mustang bike with a banana seat and easy rider handle bars. Yeah…. My family informed that I had won a raffle that a friend of mine had entered my name in without my knowledge whatsoever. Jim Carrey. In down times I do things like go for a long bike ride or run. The other thing I’m doing in that quiet time is just observing. Robin Williams. Famous Bicycle Quotes.

The oldest and best collection of inspirational bicycle quotes on the web. We popularized the bike quote: Life is like riding a bicycle by Albert Einstein. On Facebook this week Graham Hancock praised a new book called The Dawning Moon of the Mind for challenging the academic consensus on Egyptian religious development.

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I feel that I am entitled to my share of lightheartedness and there is nothing wrong with enjoying one’s self simply, like a boy. Leo Tolstoy. The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.

John Howard If constellations had been named in the 2. I suppose we would see bicycles.

Professor Carl Sagan Newspapers are unable, seemingly to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilization. George Bernard Shaw. Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.~ Charles M. Schulz. It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle. Ernest Hemingway.

A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke. Scott Stoll. More about Scott’s bicycle ride around the world. The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off.

William G. Golding. Bicycles are almost as good as guitars for meeting girls. Bob Weir. As a kid I had a dream – I wanted to own my own bicycle. When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. I lived for that bike. Most kids left their bike in the backyard at night.

Not me. I insisted on taking mine indoors and the first night I even kept it in my bed.~ John Lennon. When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Let a man find himself, in distinction from others, on top of two wheels with a chain — at least in a poor country like Russia — and his vanity begins to swell out like his tires. Leon Trotsky. A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke.

Scott Stoll. When I started this collection of bicycle quotes, I never imagined that I would be one of the people quoted. My quote is featured for the month of February in the 2. Bicycle Bliss Calendar. The publisher’s website description of the calendar reads: “With inspiring cycling quotes by luminaries such as H. G. Wells, Scott Stoll, and Mahatma Gandhi.” I can’t even believe my name is in that sentence! More info. When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man.

And (unlike subsequent inventions for man’s convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man’s brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. Elizabeth West. Ever bike? Now that’s something that makes life worth living!…Oh, to just grip your handlebars and lay down to it, and go ripping and tearing through streets and road, over railroad tracks and bridges, threading crowds, avoiding collisions, at twenty miles or more an hour, and wondering all the time when you’re going to smash up.

Well, now, that’s something! And then go home again after three hours of it…and then to think that tomorrow I can do it all over again!~ Jack London. The bicycle is a great good. But it can turn nasty if I’m employed.~ Samuel Beckett. On my tenth birthday a bicycle and an atlas coincided as presents and a few days later I decided to cycle to India. Dervla Murphy. It is the unknown around the corner that turns my wheels.

Heinz Stucke. Get a bicycle. You will certainly not regret it, if you live.~ Mark Twain. Read Twain’s short story Taming the Bicycle or see more quotes below. The Graduate Full Movie more. The steps of one’s progress are distinctly marked. At the end of each lesson he knows he has acquired something, and he also knows what that something is, and likewise that it will stay with him. It is not like studying German, where you mull along, in a groping, uncertain way, for thirty years; and at last, just as you think you’ve got it, they spring the subjunctive on you, and there you are.

No — and I see now, plainly enough, that the great pity about the German language is, that you can’t fall off it and hurt yourself. There is nothing like that feature to make you attend strictly to business. But I also see, by what I have learned of bicycling, that the right and only sure way to learn German is by the bicycling method. That is to say, take a grip on one villainy of it at a time, and learn it — not ease up and shirk to the next, leaving that one half learned. Mark Twain. Suddenly the nickel- clad horse takes the bit in its mouth and goes slanting for the curbstone defying all prayers and all your powers to change its mind — your heart stands still, your breath hangs fire, your legs forget to work. Mark Twain. Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race.~ H.

G. Wells. To ride a bicycle properly is very like a love affair—chiefly it is a matter of faith.

Scott Wolter's Apparently Non- Existent Degree. CJ, Great point Jason has a great blog and Scott has a crappy show that is on its second year. Not sure where you were going with your posting so I will go with this: The Simpsons Season 2. Episode 1. 1 Specs and the City, The Vampire Diaries Season 5, Episode 1. The Devil Inside, Doctor Who Episode 2.

The Time of the Doctor, American Horror Story Season 3, Episode 1. The Seven Wonders, Family Guy Season 1. Episode 1. 1 Brian's a Bad Father. My point for listing the shows above is they also have been on longer than Scotts show. Are more entertaining, have a larger following, and shows that people will watch anything on TV.

From Vampires to Fox news its all made up with an eye on selling products or manipulating a group into believing something they are pushing. If Jerry Springer and all of what makes up for daytime TV, the simple truth that Scott has a show on TV, and Jason does not is not that big of a deal in my books. What Scott is selling fits in nicely with the rest of the brain numbing emptied of all real facts, predigested crud. But his contains the same message" "Don't trust the Govt, they are trying to keep secrets from you". That I know and only I can show you". Same sorry but TP Party BS that they have been pushing on the low information voters/viewers for the last several years.

Don't trust Obama", same "the Govt. UFO's, Aliens, Atlantis, Abductions, Cattle mutilations", the same crud Discovery, History, others have been churning out forever. They know, I know, Don't trust them, I am your friend," This same crap was popular back in the 1.

Vietnam war. Now the Hippies have gotten older and the message is hidden on TV in pathetic shows like this one. Used by certain political organizations to try to make the Govt. We all see how Scotts own political, religious belief contaminate the show have commented on it repeatedly. The very words he uses at the start of his show are the best example there are of this, some imaginary group out to stop his life's work. As a fertilizer salesman spreading BS all across America and beyond. If the start of the show is not enough to put you off the fact that it does not carry a warning that its nothing but total BS should alert you that something is very much wrong.

I feel the need to help protect the low information views that come on here keep defending Scott and his supposed work. So I am going to see if something can be done to make the show carry a warning that its nothing more than theater, total BS, not of any scientific value. Like all the shows I listed at the start of this, but then it goes all against the "Don't trust the Govt." that is so important to his Superman/Christ ego he has of himself. If people know they are being lies too, that this is fiction how will they want to watch? If they are willing to watch Fox news, Jerry Springer they will watch his show, if nothing else like other just to laugh at him. College kids have turned it into drinking games, drink when he self promotes, mentions the Kensington Runestone, product placement of one of his books, talks about himself in 3rd person. Get's a phony tip, drags his family into this mess, claims something it real when its clearly not, say things like "won't stop until he gets to the bottom of this", I think you get the point, I wont play I don't want to get that drunk.

Nor do I want to be bothered with watching the show, passing out after 1. LOL Personally I am a big fan of Doctor Who it has more scientific knowledge in it then America Unearthed/Septic Tank. The explanations on Dr. Who are at least well thought out, plausible, and interesting, (Kidding).

At least it makes no pretense at being what its not, a show based in fact dealing with reality. You know its all fantasy from the get go, not someone trying to pass of reality TV phony as scientific fact. Not to mention everyone on Dr. Who can act circles around Scott and Co. I am hoping this will be the last season for this show that Discovery Inc. Aliens, Viking in Minnesota, and go back to shows with some educational value.

This entry was posted on 7/4/2017.