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Als Fabious Verlobte Belladonna von dem bsen Zauberer Leezar entfhrt wird, wird Thadeous von seinem Papa gezwungen, dem Bruder bei der Suche nach der Geliebten beizustehen. Gemeinsam mit der Amazone Isabel ziehen sie ins Abenteuer. Fehler Meldenblablub. Whle einen link zum Kostenlosen Download oder entscheide dich fr einen der stream hoster natrlich vllig umsonst. Die beliebtesten hoster sind uploaded. Neu dazu gekommen ist Firedrive welches ehemals putlocker hie welches wiederum ein schwester script von sockshare war. Alle Stream sind Kostenlos abrufbar und lassen sich sofort online schauen. Things Not to Say to Your Kids. When I think about all of the phrases, anecdotes, and sayings about the power of the spoken word I am reminded of how I changed my way of communicating with children upon learning Play Therapy principles. I realize that using Play Therapy based language is a learned and practiced skill that requires time and effort, so I thought it would be helpful to share ten commonly used phrases parents say to their kids. I will also give the Play Therapy based alternative with a short explanation of why it is more effective. No running, hitting, yelling, fill in the verb Kids hear the word no far too frequently Read more about that here. You can always rephrase the sentence from a negative to a positive, which will correct the behavior without sounding critical. Train yourself to say what you want them to do instead of what you dont. So, you can say Walk, please instead of No running. Good job I have spent a good deal of time on articles on the difference between Praise vs. Encouragement, and this phrase is arguably the most commonly spoken praise children hear. Train yourself to respond with You did it or You got it or You figured it out. Notice the common element is starting with the word you and then acknowledging what they worked at, rather than what you think about it. Dont argue with me. Children are programmed to question, analyze and wonder about situations. This can sometimes present itself in an argumentative manner, but this is actually a normal part of development. Instead of cutting off the conversation, you can say, I know you want my answer to be different, but it will not change. You can also train yourself to make sure the child fully understands your response, with I just told you my answer. Do you have a question about it This allows the child to present their opinion or get clarification. Either way, the child is allowed to express their thoughts or concerns and feel validated without an argument. Wait until your DadMomother person finds out about this. This does two things. Watch Le Chant Des Mariees Online Flashx. First, it creates anxiety and fear in the child, especially of the person who you are going to tell about whatever happened. Second, it ignores your responsibility to deal with the issue at hand and passes it to someone else. By the time a child has gotten in trouble for something, they already feel guilty, sorry and embarrassed about it. Threatening to tell someone else rubs salt in the wound. Choose whether the other person really needs to know about the issue, and if yes, let the child decide who will tell them. Do you choose to tell Mom what happened, or choose for me to tell her with you there to make sure that I explain it correctly This gives the child respect and responsibility for their actions. If you do that one more timeI cant tell you the number of times I hear that phrase when around other parents, even though it is highly ineffective. First, you are threatening a child, which makes them fearful of you. Second, the threat is usually not something that is feasible to do we are going home, you are going straight to bed, you dont get dinner, you are grounded for a week, etc. What we say in frustration is not only impractical but easily forgettable. Then we contradict our credibility. You can train yourself to be clear and concise, using choices. If you choose to continue that behavior, you choose to receive whatever consequence has already been established as a punishment. You might say, Erin, if you choose to poke your sister again, you choose to not watch TV for the rest of the day. This clearly communicates the expectation and the consequence, without a threat. You are doing that the wrong way. Parents tend to want control all of the time, and it takes work to allow kids to have freedom to do what they choose. Of course, there will be times when a task must be completed in a certain fashion homework, etc. However, many times we force kids to do something the right way, when it could have been done in several ways. If a child is coloring the grass purple, it is easy to tell them it must be green. A kid can sit down on a chair facing the back, and we make them turn around. Train yourself to acknowledge their behavior without a judgment, such as You chose to sit the other way on the chair or You colored the grass purple instead. Watch Online Watch Hollow Man Full Movie Online Film more. This gives them the freedom to be creative and discover things without expectations. That is what happens when you We often try to teach lesson to kids about life at the most inappropriate times. If a child gets hurt because they were doing something dangerous or inappropriate, they already learned their lesson. It is wasted words to try to express a rule when a child is upset, as they focus on one thing at a time. Instead, train yourself to say, You realized that you jumped off the chair and got hurt when you landed on the ground, rather than, See, that is what happens when you jump off the chair. The former acknowledges that the child already figured out the problem, but is still comforting. Watch Dot Goes To Hollywood Online. You cantDont do that. When redirecting behavior, it is difficult to know how to phrase things in the best manner. Telling a child that they cant do something makes them prove that they can, by telling you or showing you that it is in fact possible. Telling a kid to not do something makes them want to argue or rebel. Train yourself to explain the reason behind your statement. That is not safe or Your skin is not for coloring on is specific and helps them learn why things are off limits, rather than just that they are. We are whatever the child doesnt want to do at that moment, OKAY In an attempt to be kind and loving to children, parents tend to ask kids for their approval. I understand the rationale behind it, but I believe it becomes a habit when trying to convince a child to comply. Parents will often say, We are leaving the playground now and well come back again, okay The reality is that asking your child if it is okay sets you up for an argument when the child says no. You already know that he doesnt want to leave, or you wouldnt be negotiating with him. Train yourself to state things in sentence form, while acknowledging the childs feelings. Kevin, I know you want to stay and play, but it is time to go. We can come back another day. This helps the child feel understood, but still communicates that leaving is non negotiable. You are making me really mad right now.

This entry was posted on 8/30/2017.